English version.
Steer the wheel of a comfortable or indeed should not vibrate when we drive. Therefore, immediately check if it is steer it feels uncomfortable, for example, vibrates when we stepped on the brake pedal. Cases like this several times asked the members AstraWorld. Some even complained about it even has vibration balancing and spooring.
Balancing and spooring indeed can improve the driving comfort of being able to dampen vibrations generated due to wheel spin. But, in the case of a fixed steer was vibrating, especially when nge-brake, chances are the trigger factors exist in the brake system. It is not functioning balancing. Problems such as brake systems, disk (disc) brakes that are not flat. The most common is the disc brake front tire (right-left).
When disc brakes are not flat or wavy, when carried out braking it will vibrate. Vibration that is transmitted to the steering and feel in our hands. Therefore, we encourage you to check the network workshops Astra International to make sure and check the condition of the dish. The effect will feel better when worn brake disks replaced with new ones.
In addition to the condition of brake discs, bearing (ball bearing) front wheels that wear can also cause vibration in the steering. However, these vibrations do not only arise when the brakes alone. Tremors were felt in at high speeds and uneven road surfaces. To overcome this problem, the solution is to replace the component.
We recommend, keep doing the balancing and spooring every 10,000 km. For its own brake system, do the inspection every 10,000 km as well. And in case of brake replacement canvas, canvas use the original brake. While bearing, do the replacement of the grease (fat) every 20,000 km.
When disc brakes are not flat or wavy, when carried out braking it will vibrate. Vibration that is transmitted to the steering and feel in our hands. Therefore, we encourage you to check the network workshops Astra International to make sure and check the condition of the dish. The effect will feel better when worn brake disks replaced with new ones.
In addition to the condition of brake discs, bearing (ball bearing) front wheels that wear can also cause vibration in the steering. However, these vibrations do not only arise when the brakes alone. Tremors were felt in at high speeds and uneven road surfaces. To overcome this problem, the solution is to replace the component.
We recommend, keep doing the balancing and spooring every 10,000 km. For its own brake system, do the inspection every 10,000 km as well. And in case of brake replacement canvas, canvas use the original brake. While bearing, do the replacement of the grease (fat) every 20,000 km.
Indonesian version.
Steer atau kemudi yang nyaman semestinya memang tidak bergetar ketika kita kendarai. Karena itu, segera periksa jika ternyata steer justru terasa tak nyaman, misalnya bergetar ketika pedal rem kita injak. Kasus seperti ini beberapa kali ditanyakan para anggota AstraWorld. Bahkan ada yang mengeluhkan getaran ini meskipun telah melakukan balancing dan spooring.
Balancing dan spooring memang dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan berkendara karena mampu meredam getaran yang dihasilkan akibat putaran roda. Tapi, pada kasus steer yang tetap terasa bergetar terutama saat nge-rem, kemungkinan besar faktor pemicunya ada pada sistem rem. Bukan tidak berfungsinya balancing. Masalah sistem rem diantaranya, piringan (disc) rem yang tidak rata. Yang paling sering adalah piringan rem ban depan (kanan-kiri).
Bila piringan rem tidak rata atau bergelombang, ketika dilakukan pengereman maka akan bergetar. Getaran itulah yang diteruskan ke kemudi dan terasa di tangan kita. Karena itu, sebaiknya lakukan pemeriksaan ke bengkel-bengkel jaringan Astra International untuk memastikan dan mengecek kondisi piringan. Efeknya akan terasa lebih baik bila piringan rem yang sudah aus diganti dengan yang baru.
Selain kondisi piringan rem, bearing (laher) roda depan yang mengalami keausan juga bisa menyebabkan getaran di steer. Tetapi, getaran ini tidak hanya muncul pada saat di rem saja. Getaran terasa pada saat kecepatan tinggi dan permukaan jalan yang tidak rata. Untuk mengatasi masalah seperti ini, solusinya adalah dengan mengganti komponen tersebut.
Kami sarankan, tetap lakukan balancing dan spooring setiap 10.000 km. Untuk sistem rem sendiri, lakukan pemeriksaan setiap 10.000 km juga. Dan apabila terjadi penggantian kanvas rem, gunakanlah kanvas rem yang orisinil. Sementara laher, lakukan penggantian grease (gemuk) setiap 20.000 km.
Kami sarankan, tetap lakukan balancing dan spooring setiap 10.000 km. Untuk sistem rem sendiri, lakukan pemeriksaan setiap 10.000 km juga. Dan apabila terjadi penggantian kanvas rem, gunakanlah kanvas rem yang orisinil. Sementara laher, lakukan penggantian grease (gemuk) setiap 20.000 km.
Astra World.